Thursday, August 14, 2008

Image vs Reality

We have all heard the words "Just win Baby" and we have all seen the silver and black from D.C. to Seattle, but is there more to the Raiders then just a catchy slogan and one of the best selling color schemes in history? Ask the casual fan and a diatribe of slogans and championship years are spewed forth like spiders from the nest. Ask a fan from any other team and you get a slew of curses and mocking tones that would make the most seasoned thug blush. So is there more to this team then just observances? The easy answer would be who knows? but nothing concerning the Raiders is easy, so lets try to find the answer.

Are the Raiders good? Simple question, innocuous I know but relevant. They were, just as simple an answer, but is it true? The Raiders have dazzled football for as long as anyone can remember. Not always for their skill or winning ways but dazzled non the less. They have won ugly and underachieved all in the same game, they have pushed the envelope of good taste and good sportsmanship and have celebrated (sigh, yes I will say it) with some of the greatest fans ever. So when it comes to an easy answer to if the Raiders are good, the answer is "they were."

An easy answer unfortunately doesn't help us for this year though, so a better answer should be, They could be. They could be, they have talent, they have good if not great coaching, they have a owner willing to spend the money to make them great. So where do they miss out on greatness? Philosophy & Execution, the Raiders have been one of the most penalized teams to play the game, they shoot themselves in the proverbally mentioned foot. They get in their own way, the Raiders have made a habit of looking great and then turning a game into a comedic revival. So execution explained what about Philosophy? The Raiders have been a team without an identity for too long. Just when you think they are a passing team, the likes of Marcus Allen comes along and you believe they could rush for 200+ every game and just when you think that it couldn't get any better a gun slinger like Hostetler comes along and throws the ball around the field like a hot potato. Now we have a new incarnation of the Raiders, a strong arm from Jemarcus Russell, and the elusiveness of Darren McFadden, will this equate to greatness? It could. If the Raiders could find an identity and perform up to the potential they have in so many young players then yes the Raiders "could be" great.

So what makes the Raiders great? Another simple and resounding answer, "the fans", they hold the glory and greatness of the Raiders to their bosom like the prodigal son squeezed to his fathers breast. The fans remember, they cheer and they love the Raiders, plain and simple. You hear other fans bemoan their draft luck, you hear them cry after a tough loss and curse their players or a coaches decision, and to some small part Raiders fans do to but it never lasts long. The fans have pulled this team up by its boot straps as no player or coach has. The fans cheer and the Raiders let them down. The fans remember and the Raiders let them down. The fans love and the Raiders let them down. So it is not the greatness of the Raiders, it is the greatness of their fans.

So are the Raiders good? No, but they could be, but thanks to their fans they always will be. The mystique and lore of the Raiders is not the team, it is it's fans.


Andy said...

Very good ideas. I think the Raiders can be great. To me, a good question you did not ask, and which tells much about their current state of the Raider Nation is "Why aren't the Raiders great?" In my opinion, a ig part of that answer is the much to the heavy involvement of Al Davis. He needs to take a page from the Patriot handbook and be genius by knowing he doesn't know enough so hire the people that do.

RaiderFan55 said...

Loved your article, but I have to agree with Andy. Big Daddy Al Davis needs to give his team and his coaching staff some breathing room. Keep up the good work with your writing, I bet you make your parents SO proud! Go Raiders!

ArgyllDuke said...

You are dead on about dah Raaaaaidahhs being not so much a team with a catchy slogan and color scheme (probably the best ever), but about that menagerie of hooligans to soccer moms to business folks to gang bangers all gettin' together early Sunday AM, tailgating together with Raider Elvis, Darth and the rest of the crew, yelling themselves hoarse at the game and then returning to their own respective lives. I'm not a fan, but have friends that are and from their descriptions, people from all walks of life that are Raidah fans become one nation like no other (sorry Bosox, but you are just a buncha Massholes and some hangers on).

On a side note, the frenchies opened their supercollider, aka, the science donut. The science donut and DARREN MCFADDEN have a lot in common:

*worth 10 billion dollars
*can create tiny black holes and
smash atoms
*17 miles around
*can throw lightening bolts
*can potentially destroy the earth
*this space intentionally left blank
